Friday, 21 March 2014

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things - March

The idea of doing a monthly favourites post is no stranger to beauty/fashion dorks on the internet. Although I don't have a massive bunch of things to talk about, I thought I would still mention some of my favourite things throughout the month of March (Am I the only one who is slightly freaked out by the fact that its almost the end of the month? Where has this year gone?!) - mainly random favourites, which tend to be the ones I am most interested in when it comes to other bloggers and youtubers. 

My first favourite is a website called The Hunt (also the name of a great film - go watch it!) which is basically a fashion/beauty/bits and bobs easter egg hunt on the internet. For example - say you have been dragged into the time consuming hole of tumblr and you find a pair of shoes that you really like but you have no idea as to where they are from or where you can buy them... You go to The Hunt! 

It is really easy - you save the picture of the item you have fallen in love with, you upload it onto the website, give the "hunt" you have started for that item a title, a description and a price range and voila - you have started your hunt! Now all you have to do is wait for someone to notify you about them finding the exact object or something like it (they normally send you an email if someone finds your item). Here is an example:

You have options when it comes to submitting your search such as price range and what the aim of your hunt is (there is even an option called "What Goes With This" so you can get some inspiration).

Next up is something a little different (this blog post is truly a random collection of favourites - i warned you already!) - It is a diary. I first discovered this when watching a youtube video of someone's night time routine (I normally swear off these videos because I find them a little boring.. not gunna lie... I must have been really bored). At the end of it, the youtube guru sat on her bed and brought out this diary. 

The idea is simple - there is a page for each day of the year. On every page is five sections saying 20__ followed by some space. This is for answering the question asked at the top of the page. So basically - you fill out the year and answer the question, which can be anything from "What is your work ethic like?" to "Write Down Something That Inspired You Today." I completely fell in love with the idea of this, as I have tried many times (and failed) to keep a diary. This is simple yet effective - In a years time when you answer the same question you can look back and see how things have changed. You can buy one here :) 

Finally is a food favourite (there always has to be one - lets be serious) that I recently stumbled across - a place called EAT. Now I have been in Canterbury for well over a year now and I have always just walked past this place and never given it any thought or even tried it out. The  the other day I was in Canterbury unusually early and incredibly hungry, and EAT was one of the only places open (apparently Canterbury doesn't wake up until 11 am on a Sunday - I don't blame it really) so I tried it out... And i LOVED it! It is somewhat like Pret A Manger but almost a little bit fresher. I had a delicious chicken wrap and a Pink Lemonade (also really REALLY good) and the price wasn't too bad! Its safe to say I have found my new I-want-to-treat-myself-to-a-yummy-lunch place ;)

Thats pretty much it for now! It is coming to the end of the term so things are slowly starting to slow down meaning I will have more time to blog (waddup). I hope you are all doing wonderfully and enjoying the spring weather!

Much Love,


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