Sunday, 23 March 2014

I Think I Am Addicted To The Internet

I have really been craving blogging today but I have had complete writers block! I have no idea what to write about. Last night I got some really wonderful feedback on my blog and it made me want to blog even more :) So if any of you have requests or ideas for posts - please feel free to comment! Anyway - I  thought I would write a short and sweet post about other social medias/websites I use. First is my tumblr (you can click here to check it out), which is my main source of procrastination (i ain't gonna lie). I have a pretty obvious trend in my tumblr - pretty things, food and ridiculously cute animals. So if that is something you like the sound of, check it out! I also wanna leave my favourite tumblr right here, which is Samantha from Beautycrush. I have ranted about both her blog and youtube channel before and her tumblr is no exception. I adore it. 

click here to check out my tumblr

Next up we have the much loved instagram. I have a love/hate relationship with this app - I go from using it multiple times a day to not at all.. At the moment it is a very loving relationship though. Along with instagram are a couple of other editing apps that I use on a daily basis - but i might leave to for another blog post if it is a topic of interest. If you are interested in checking out my instagram you can either click here or follow me on carolinewkjaer. Along with that I thought I would share a couple of my favourite instagram profiles here for you lovely people: thebeautycrush (again... i know! but it is a pretty fucking great instagram profile! thank me later), caradelevingne (because why not), nylonmag (my crack), racheltalbott (a beautifully talented youtube beauty goddess plus she just had a really cute baby!), laurenconrad (yes i have seen the entire series of the hills multiple times - #NoShame) and finally... Beyonce (because beyonce - nuff said). I know a lot of these are some pretty popular and obvious ones but they are truly the ones I am obsessed with. Of course I also adore my friends' instagrams but I don't really wanna go throwing those around randomly. That might be a little creepy. Or not. I don't know. Hmm. 

P.S. Ian McKellen has instagram. You're welcome. 

Finally is the wonder that is Pinterest. To be completely honest... I haven't been using this lovely website recently but my obsession comes and goes in waves (i swear that is a lyric from a song). Its nothing special but I thought I might as well share it here. Please excuse the cliche wedding board... We all have them! Don't deny it! Give this a click if you wanna check it out.

click here to check out my pinterest

Whilst I have been writing this post a small thought has been nagging me and I just wanted to do a slight disclaimer at the end - This is not me trying to gain followers! I just thought it would be an idea to share the other social media forms I use that relate somewhat to my blog in case any of you were interested! I would also love it if you could recommend some pinterest/instagram/tumblr users that you guys like - i'm always looking around for inspiration! Also - if any of you know of any wesbites like the ones mentioned above that i could get hooked on, please do share! 

Much Love,


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