Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Review - Simple: Eye Make-Up Remover Pads

First of all - excuse the horrible picture. I wanted to get this done quickly and this was the best that could be done considering the circumstances!

Okay.. So now on to the review! I picked up these eye make-up remover pads when i was in Sainsbury's the other evening because i was curious. I adore Simple products and I have used them or years and years, yet I had never seen these little guys. I used them this morning as I had forgotten to take off my makeup last night (bad bad, Caroline!) and woke up looking like a panda. Classic.

There are 30 little pads in the pack about the size of the palm of my hand. When i first started using them I was worried they would just be utter bullshit. However, I then did what you are ACTUALLY meant to do which is rest the pad on your eye, so that the mascara can.. i guess... dissolve... and be removed easier. I'm just really lazy when it comes to eye make-up removal - learn from my laziness! Once I actually gave the remover pads a chance to work I was very impressed with the results! One pad  did the job for both eyes - so really the pack can stretch for a while. I probably won't use these every single time i take off my make-up - I will most likely end up saving them for cases like lazily not taking my make-up off the night before and also for the odd occasion where I wear waterproof mascara (tis a truly rare occasion). 

Buuut yeah! Considering I bought these on a complete whim I am really happy with the result! You can buy them at boots (click here to check them out). When it comes to any product that will be in contact with ESPECIALLY your eyes, get a good quality brand as your eyes are incredibly sensitive! This applies to your skin in general really - take care of your pretty faces! 

Much Love,


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