Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Let's Talk... Travel/Airport Style

As someone who studies in a different country I fly a fair bit. When travelling I want to look good but also be comfortable and I thought this would be a blog post worthy subject. Before googling it, I didn't realise that airport/travel fashion was actually a "thing" but apparently it is. What do ya know? I found a couple a snazzy looking ladies that capture the perfect airplane travel (in my opinion). This post is my idea of the perfect travel ensemble and they are just my thoughts of what to do and not to do - you may disagree or agree! 

My first MAJOR tip for comfortable yet stylish travel is a pair of ankle boots or flats. I do not understand people who travel in high heels - what even? You don't need to whack on a pair of stilettos to make an effort. You can look just as nice and be fifty times more relaxed in flat footwear.

Secondly - don't bother wearing a bunch of jewellery. Yes it looks nice but it will become annoying on the flight and you will probably have to take most of it (if not all of it) off at the security check. 

Makeup is another topic which I find crucial when discussing the matter of travel. I have never understood people who bother putting on a full face of makeup when going on a plane. The air on planes are not the most wonderful of things so why not give your face a break. You have the freedom to rub your eyes without panicking that you will end up having racoon eyes and it is generally just better for your skin to say bye bye to makeup for the day. On that note - no matter the length of the flight, I recommend bringing face wipes and moisturiser. Like I said - the air on a plane is a biatch and can really dry out your skin, so make sure you keep it hydrated and keep yourself feeling fresh!

When traveling I tend to go for the classic look of a pair of jeans or leggings with a nice baggy t shirt, a pair of boots of ballerina flats and a jacket of some sort. You never know if it is going to be cold where you are going (depending on your destination - obviously screw the jacket if you are going to Hawaii) or on the plane so a light jacket is a must! Keeping it simple and comfortable doesn't mean you can't look good. Less is more! 

If any of you are off on an adventure somewhere this summer I wish you a fabulous journey! Hope you are all doing well.

Much Love,


Photo credit: Glamour

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