Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Let's Talk... Pillows/Cushions

These posts are clearly showing how badly I want my own place to decorate the shit out of.. I feel like such a boring old lady! Hopefully you guys do find these posts somewhat interesting and I sincerely hope I don't bore you to death with them (please let me know if they do and I promise to stop and leave these things solely to my pinterest - scouts honour). So far we have had coffee table books and makeup palettes and now we are moving onto a hidden obsession of mine - pillows and cushions. If I had the money and storage I would buy loads and loads of different pillows. I am the kind of person who loves piling cushions onto couches and beds because I think it looks cozy and snazzy (that combo right there)! When it comes to decorative pillows and cushions (is there actually a difference or is it another British vs. American pronunciation thing that is happening here?) I prefer them simple.. so not with loads of colour and pattern but instead with sketches, small pops of colours or quotes/phrases (not cheesy ones though!). To give you guys an idea of what I mean/what kind of pillows I like, I have added some examples down below. Enjoy!

Photo Credit/Buy Here - Etsy

Photo Credit/Buy Here - Etsy

Photo Credit/Buy Here - Etsy

FYI - I have a huge obsession with sugar skulls. Like HUGE. I think they are so interesting and beautiful, so why not have them on a pillow!

The following pillows are ones that I really like because you can personalise them and add your own touch! 

Photo Credit - Pinterest

This is something I would love to do one day - it's a really nice way of keeping a memory. Take any ticket - plane, bus, train.. boat even.. from a trip that is special to you. Some people might find this ridiculous and cliche but I think its a sweet idea!

Photo Credit/Buy Here - Etsy

This is another simple idea for a personalised pillow/cushion - the coordinates of somewhere meaningful. This is probably my favourite one.

I cannot believe that I just wrote an entire post on pillows.. What have I become?! To be fair.. I can't be the only person in the world with random obsessions like this.. They are so pretty! Can you blame me? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this rather random post - Have a lovely day!

Much Love,


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